Serrapeptase High Dose Protolytic Enzyme 100ml Spray bottle.


The silkworm holds a treasure beyond the luxury of exquisite textiles. It’s called serrapeptase: a powerful protolytic enzyme that is said to dissolve all non living tissue, including blood clots, cysts, arterial plaque and inflammation in all forms.

The mighty enzyme offers a viable alternative to salicylates such as aspirin and ibufrofen as well as steroids- a boon for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and a wide array of auto immune diseases that affect the inflammatory response – including ulcerative colitis, psoriasis and allergies.

Serrapeptase is reported to ease pain and swelling with no inhibitory effects on prostaglandins and no gastro-intestinal side effects. Serrapeptase has had wide clinical use spanning 25 years throughout Europe and Asia. The late German physician, Dr. Hans Neiper used serrapeptase to treat arterial blockage in his coronary patients. Serrapeptase is said to protect against stroke and cardiovascular disease. Varicose veins can shrink or diminish.

A list of conditions helped include, – pain of any kind, arthritis, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, migraine (caused by inflammation) emphysema, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, sports injuries and traumatic swelling and inflammation of any kind.

Each capsule contains 80,000 international units (IU) of Serrapeptase and 69.5% Brown rice powder and magnesium estereate in a vegetable cellulose capsule.

SKU: serrapeptase-high-dose-protolytic-enzyme 100ml spray bottle Category:


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